BWM Designers & Architects

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Hotel of the year!

Welch große Ehre: Das Grand Hotel Straubinger ist als Winner of the Year bei den 2024 FRAME Awards in der Kategorie „Spatial“ hervorgegangen! Herzliche Gratulation und vielen Dank an alle Beteiligte!
Aus dem Juryprotokolll: "BWM Designers & Architects collaborated with the Federal Monuments Office and local authorities to meticulously restore the heritage-protected buildings, blending historical charm with contemporary luxury while minimizing waste. …a ‘really inspiring project that demonstrates careful research during the design development phase. The dialogue between nature, people, history and contemporaneity provides a sophisticated and welcoming ambience. Every detail was carefully considered, resulting in a high level of design that’s reflected in each aspect of the hotel. … This project does a great job of blending old and new, juxtaposing timeless and classic design with modern natural elements."

Straubinger Grand Hotel