Karolinengasse 10
Planning and design through to the submission of the application for a building permit for a residential building on an undeveloped site between two buildings in Karolinengasse near the Belvedere in Vienna’s 4th district. The main building in Karolinengasse with two lofts and a renovated courtyard building will house 44 flats with a total floor space of 2,100m2. All flats have attractive open spaces. The façade is structured by means of staggered recesses and draws its inspiration from the surrounding buildings. Folding wooden lamella shutters allow flexible adjustment of the natural light in the street-side flats.
Study, preliminary design, draft and submission planning for a new residential building; conversion and renovation of a courtyard building
cube-s Projektentwicklung und Baumanagement GmbH
BWM Team
Martina Lehner, Michal Jiskra, Alexandra Stage, Liliya Berova, Lenka Rozsivalova, Clemens Hörl, Massimiliano Marian
Image credit
BWM Architekten
Vermessung Miedler Ziviltechnik GmbH
TOMS Ziviltechniker GmbH
K2 Bauphysik GmbH
Vasko + Partner Ingenieure ZT f. Bauwesen und Verfahrenstechnik GmbH